Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sleeping beauty--Bedtime story

Once up on a time a beautiful baby girl was born to a king and queen.They had wanted a child for a long time,so they were very happy.
The proud king soon began organizing a christening feast for his little princess.
All the king's family and friends were invited to the christening.They also asked fairies to come- all apart from one, who was known for being mean.
On the big day the guests arrived,bringing lots of lovely gifts.
"Congratulations your highness!!!".
The fairies lined up to give the baby princess her presents.They came forward one by one,casting spells of kindness,beauty and cleverness.

The last fairy was just about to give her gift,when there was a loud noise in the courtyard.
Just then, the mean fairy who had not been invited burst in angrily and said....
"When the princess is fifteen she shall touch a spindle and fall dead!"
The queen collapsed in to the king's arms in shock, but then the last fairy who was kind stepped forwards,"Wait" she said.
"I can soften the curse a little," she said."If the princess touches a spindle,she will not die."
"Instead she will fall asleep for one hundred years.Only a prince shall be able to wake her....with a single kiss."
The king gave out an order for all the spindles in the land to be destroyed.
The princess grew up to a beautiful young lady.
One day she was exploring castle all by herself, she came across a door that she hadn't seen before.
She opened it and found steps leading to a mysterious tower.

The princess walked up the steps and in to a dusty room.There she saw a woman,busy at a strange wheel with some thread.
"Hello,what are you doing?" asked the princess.
"I'm spinning my dear", said the  woman.The princess walked closer, and as she came to spindle she reached out to touch it.
"Whrrrrrrrr Whrrrrrrrr"
"Ouch!" the princess cried as her finger touched the spindle, and while the wicked fairy for it was she-vanished,the princess fell down asleep.
At that moment the king and queen fell asleep on their thrones.The horses slept in their stables and the servants slipped in to their slumber.
Days,weeks and then months went past, and a large hedge of thorns grew around the palace.Every year it became thicker, until the palace was completely hidden.
Exactly one hundred years later, a prince was riding nearby.He could see the tips of a turret  above the thorns.As he neared, the hedge parted, allowing him to pass through.
The prince eventually arrived at the palace and saw  everyone was sleeping.
He wondered why everything and everyone had been frozen in time.

Finally, he came to the room where princess was sleeping.She was so beautiful that he stooped down to give her a kiss.At that moment she opened her eyes and woke up.
It was love at first sight.
Everyone in the castle also awoke.At last the princess was reunited with her mother and father.They were delighted!!
The evil fairy's spell was broken!
Sleeping beauty and prince were soon married and they lived happily ever after!

"Hip Hip Hooray"
The End.

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